Procedures & Tools

Procedures & Tools

The REACH Regulation and Registration requires or allow the use of some specific methods regarding a diversity of technical topics. Some of these topics may as well be sector-specific, or substance-specific. In certain cases, it does not set specific rules or methods and requires SIEF members and stakeholders to agree on the use of these necessary tools, either between themselves, or proposed by other reference stakeholders.

You will find under this section relevant information about publicly available methods and references that may be of interest for SIEF Organization or Registration preparation, that the Consortium would like to share with the rest of the SIEF members and potential Registrants.


However, please note that this guidance is provided for information and convenience only, and that each Company remains in any case responsible for the proper use of the methods presented here. Companies are invited to carefully assess their own situation and the relevance of the method presented in their specific situations. Companies should document on their own about the methods presented here. In case of doubt, an expert opinion should be required by Companies.